Swift MOC

swift_too module

Swift_Data example - querying Swift SDC data and downloading it

API version = 1.2, swifttools = 3.0.6

Author: Jamie A. Kennea (Penn State)

from swifttools.swift_too import Data
from swifttools.swift_too import ObsQuery


We've demonstrated that with classes such as Swift_ObsQuery we can find out what Swift has observed, but what if we want to download the data associated with an observation? Before you had to go to a web interface to download the data you wanted. More confusingly, the data usually reside in one of two places: the archive or the quicklook area. Typically recent observations exist in quicklook, and older observations are in the archive.

Finding an interesting observation

Swift_Data aims to make fetching observation data automated, and somewhat abstracted, so you don't have to care about if data are from quicklook or not. Let's find a recent observation, and download it. How about the first few observations of Jan 10th, 2021? As of swifttools 2.3, you can shorten the names of the classes by removing the Swift_ so we'll use just Data and for the next example, ObsQuery.

oq = ObsQuery(begin="2022-01-10", length=0.1)
Begin Time End Time Target Name Observation Number Exposure (s) Slewtime (s)
2022-01-09 23:52:02 2022-01-10 00:12:58 NGC5986 00045907009 1115 141
2022-01-10 00:13:02 2022-01-10 00:20:57 PSZ1_G357.43+30.60 00085651001 410 65
2022-01-10 00:21:02 2022-01-10 00:51:01 GRB 220101A 01091527009 1610 189
2022-01-10 00:51:02 2022-01-10 01:12:01 OGP_4313 03103018001 1080 179
2022-01-10 01:12:02 2022-01-10 01:28:57 MRK 817 00096450022 835 180
2022-01-10 01:29:02 2022-01-10 01:36:01 NGC 5398 03110928017 275 144
2022-01-10 01:36:02 2022-01-10 01:57:59 HEN 3-1103 00083966007 1260 57
2022-01-10 01:58:02 2022-01-10 02:23:00 RX J0134.2-4258 00036528060 1355 143
2022-01-10 02:23:02 2022-01-10 02:44:58 OGP_3952 03103167003 1185 131

OK, so that observation fo NGC 5986 is interesting, so let's check it out. The important identifier for any observation is the Observation Number (or Observation ID). In the table above, this is given in SDC format, which is a importantly, a string (those leading zeros are required). So for this observation, the obsid is 00045907009. However, we don't have to make transcription errors here, it's the first in the oq data structure, i.e...

Begin Time End Time Target Name Observation Number Exposure (s) Slewtime (s)
2022-01-09 23:52:02 2022-01-10 00:12:58 NGC5986 00045907009 1115 141

Demonstrating the Swift_Data class

So let's demonstrate use of the Swift_Data class. As usual, it can be set up by creating the class and then setting the parameters, then submitting using the submit method, or you can pass the parameters as arguments to the class. We'll do the former first.

data = Data()
data.obsid = oq[0].obsid

OK so this sets up that we want to fetch data associated with the obsid for NGC5986. Next we have a few options to set. Firstly, there are 5 types of data that can be downloaded. These are:

  • auxil : Auxillary data required to process Swift data, including Two Line Element (TLE) to calculated an ephemeris, and spacecraft housekeeping.
  • log : Log files from the SDC processing. Of interest, but usually inessential for data analysis.
  • xrt : Data for Swift's X-ray Telescope.
  • bat : Data for Swift's Burst Alert Telescope
  • uvot : Data for Swift's UV/Optical Telescope

In order to select which data you wish to download, simply set the parameter listed above to true, so if you want XRT data, set xrt = True. If you just want to get everything, you can set all = True as a shortcut. Let's get XRT, BAT and UVOT data for this observation, forget about the logs. FYI auxil data come down by default, as you always need those if you're going to run processing pipeline tools like xrtpipeline.

data.xrt = True
data.uvot = True
data.bat = True

So in terms of basic configuration, this is pretty much it. Next step is to query the existance of data. This is done by submitting the job.


OK that appeared to have worked, so let's look at the files available. In a Jupyter Notebook, just type in the name of the Swift_Data object we created.

Path Filename Description
00045907009/auxil SWIFT_TLE_ARCHIVE.txt.22018.37267907.gz Auxillary TLE file
'' sw00045907009pat.fits.gz Auxillary attitude file
'' sw00045907009pjb.par.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00045907009pob.cat.gz Auxillary catalog
'' sw00045907009ppr.par.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00045907009s.mkf.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00045907009sao.fits.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00045907009sat.fits.gz Auxillary attitude file
'' sw00045907009sen.hk.gz Auxillary housekeeping
'' sw00045907009sti.fits.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00045907009uat.fits.gz Auxillary attitude file
'' sw00045907009x.mkf.gz Auxillary file
00045907009/xrt/event sw00045907009xpcw3po_cl.evt.gz XRT pointed cleaned PC event file
'' sw00045907009xpcw3po_uf.evt.gz XRT pointed unfiltered PC event file
'' sw00045907009xwtw2sl_cl.evt.gz XRT slew cleaned WT event file
'' sw00045907009xwtw2sl_uf.evt.gz XRT slew unfiltered WT event file
'' sw00045907009xwtw2sl_ufre.evt.gz XRT slew unfiltered WT event file
'' sw00045907009xwtw2st_cl.evt.gz XRT settling cleaned WT event file
'' sw00045907009xwtw2st_uf.evt.gz XRT settling unfiltered WT event file
'' sw00045907009xwtw2st_ufre.evt.gz XRT settling unfiltered WT event file
00045907009/xrt/hk sw00045907009xbf_rw.img.gz XRT raw housekeeping data
'' sw00045907009xen.hk.gz XRT housekeeping file
'' sw00045907009xhd.hk.gz XRT housekeeping file
'' sw00045907009xtr.hk.gz XRT housekeeping file
00045907009/xrt/products sw00045907009x_skim.gif XRT sky GIF preview
'' sw00045907009xpc_ex.img.gz XRT exposure map PC data
'' sw00045907009xpc_sk.img.gz XRT sky PC data
00045907009/bat/hk sw00045907009bdecb.hk.gz BAT housekeeping file
'' sw00045907009bdp.hk.gz BAT housekeeping file
'' sw00045907009ben.hk.gz BAT housekeeping file
'' sw00045907009bgocb.hk.gz BAT housekeeping file
'' sw00045907009bhd.hk.gz BAT housekeeping file
00045907009/bat/masktag sw00045907009bmt00010003.lc.gz BAT mask tagged lightcurve
'' sw00045907009bmt00010003_rw.lc.gz BAT raw mask tagged lightcurve
'' sw00045907009bmt00010029.lc.gz BAT mask tagged lightcurve
'' sw00045907009bmt00010029_rw.lc.gz BAT raw mask tagged lightcurve
'' sw00045907009bmt00010051.lc.gz BAT mask tagged lightcurve
'' sw00045907009bmt00010051_rw.lc.gz BAT raw mask tagged lightcurve
00045907009/bat/rate sw00045907009brt1s.lc.gz BAT rate lightcurve
'' sw00045907009brtmc.lc.gz BAT rate lightcurve
'' sw00045907009brtms.lc.gz BAT rate lightcurve
'' sw00045907009brtqd.lc.gz BAT rate lightcurve
00045907009/bat/survey sw00045907009bsvpbo2b4dg0919.dph.gz BAT survey DPH
'' sw00045907009bsvpbo2b6cg0920.dph.gz BAT survey DPH
00045907009/uvot/hk sw00045907009uac.hk.gz UVOT housekeeping file
'' sw00045907009uaf.hk.gz UVOT housekeeping file
'' sw00045907009uct.hk.gz UVOT housekeeping file
'' sw00045907009uen.hk.gz UVOT housekeeping file
'' sw00045907009uer.hk.gz UVOT housekeeping file
'' sw00045907009ues.hk.gz UVOT housekeeping file
00045907009/uvot/image sw00045907009uuu_ex.img.gz UVOT exposure map u data
'' sw00045907009uuu_rw.img.gz UVOT raw u data
'' sw00045907009uuu_sk.img.gz UVOT sky u data
00045907009/uvot/products sw00045907009u.cat.gz UVOT catalog
'' sw00045907009u_ex.img.gz UVOT exposure map data
'' sw00045907009u_sk.img.gz UVOT sky data
'' sw00045907009uuuskim.gif UVOT sky u GIF preview

OK so what you should see above is a list of all the files, including the subdirectories they will exist in, along with basic description of each file. Importantly, at this stage, the data are not yet downloaded. Let's look in depth at one of these files.

Parameter Value
filename SWIFT_TLE_ARCHIVE.txt.22018.37267907.gz
path 00045907009/auxil
url https://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/FTP/swift/data/obs/2022_01/00045907009/a
quicklook False
type Auxillary TLE file

OK so a few things here. Firstly, from the url you can see where the data reside online. As this is a nasa.gov address, this is the US data center. If you wanted to retrieve from the UK data center, simply pass the parameter uksdc = True. Similarly if you wish to use the Italian SDC, use itsdc = True.

Secondly, this is quicklook data. By default Swift_Data looks in the archive first, but if the data is recent, it will look in quicklook. Note that quicklook data are by their nature preliminary, and can evolve with time. For US and Italian SDC you'll see that the URL has a version number ('009') included, this number increments when the data are changed. For UK SDC, this does not happen, however, you can just redownload data to get the most up-to-date value.

For published papers, we recommend using data from the archive if available.

Downloading the data

Final step is to download the data to disk, so we can process the data using our HEAsoft tools. This is perfomed utilizing the download() method. If we want to specify the directory to download, simply use the outdir parameter, either as a class parameter, or an argument to download. Let's put in in our computer's Downloads directory.

Downloading files:   0%|          | 0/57 [00:00<?, ?files/s]


If you have tqdm installed, you should have seen a progress bar showing how many files were downloaded. If not, then you'll just see a simple text message. Now the data should be in the Downloads directory, in a directory named after the obsid of the data we requested. Note that the files inside are gzipped by default, but do not need to be decompressed to be used with the HEAsoft tools, so you can save some disk space!

Download data in one line

Next thing we'll demonstrate is downloading data in one line of code. This is very simple, just pass the arguments when you intiate the class, and it will download the data itself. If you want to do this, and not download the data automatically, pass the argument fetch=False. We'll fetch the 3rd observation above, but just the XRT data:

newdata = Data(obsid=oq[2].obsid, xrt=True, outdir="~/Downloads")
Downloading files:   0%|          | 0/27 [00:00<?, ?files/s]

That should have downloaded the auxil and xrt data for that observation in into your Downloads directory. Let's look at the file structure.

Path Filename Description
01091527009/auxil SWIFT_TLE_ARCHIVE.txt.22020.02942007.gz Auxillary TLE file
'' sw01091527009pat.fits.gz Auxillary attitude file
'' sw01091527009pjb.par.gz Auxillary file
'' sw01091527009pob.cat.gz Auxillary catalog
'' sw01091527009ppr.par.gz Auxillary file
'' sw01091527009s.mkf.gz Auxillary file
'' sw01091527009sao.fits.gz Auxillary file
'' sw01091527009sat.fits.gz Auxillary attitude file
'' sw01091527009sen.hk.gz Auxillary housekeeping
'' sw01091527009sti.fits.gz Auxillary file
'' sw01091527009uat.fits.gz Auxillary attitude file
'' sw01091527009x.mkf.gz Auxillary file
01091527009/xrt/event sw01091527009xpcw3po_cl.evt.gz XRT pointed cleaned PC event file
'' sw01091527009xpcw3po_uf.evt.gz XRT pointed unfiltered PC event file
'' sw01091527009xwtw2sl_cl.evt.gz XRT slew cleaned WT event file
'' sw01091527009xwtw2sl_uf.evt.gz XRT slew unfiltered WT event file
'' sw01091527009xwtw2sl_ufre.evt.gz XRT slew unfiltered WT event file
'' sw01091527009xwtw2st_cl.evt.gz XRT settling cleaned WT event file
'' sw01091527009xwtw2st_uf.evt.gz XRT settling unfiltered WT event file
'' sw01091527009xwtw2st_ufre.evt.gz XRT settling unfiltered WT event file
01091527009/xrt/hk sw01091527009xbf_rw.img.gz XRT raw housekeeping data
'' sw01091527009xen.hk.gz XRT housekeeping file
'' sw01091527009xhd.hk.gz XRT housekeeping file
'' sw01091527009xtr.hk.gz XRT housekeeping file
01091527009/xrt/products sw01091527009x_skim.gif XRT sky GIF preview
'' sw01091527009xpc_ex.img.gz XRT exposure map PC data
'' sw01091527009xpc_sk.img.gz XRT sky PC data

Downloading data without using the Data class

You don't actually need to use the Swift_Data AKA Data class to download data. Any API class that has an associated obsid as of swifttools 3.0.6 has a download() method. This method takes the same arguments as Data to download data, automatically downloads data to local disk, and returns a Data class as a result. Here's a demonstration:

A reminder, we did an ObsQuery earlier, let's look at that again:

Begin Time End Time Target Name Observation Number Exposure (s) Slewtime (s)
2022-01-09 23:52:02 2022-01-10 00:12:58 NGC5986 00045907009 1115 141
2022-01-10 00:13:02 2022-01-10 00:20:57 PSZ1_G357.43+30.60 00085651001 410 65
2022-01-10 00:21:02 2022-01-10 00:51:01 GRB 220101A 01091527009 1610 189
2022-01-10 00:51:02 2022-01-10 01:12:01 OGP_4313 03103018001 1080 179
2022-01-10 01:12:02 2022-01-10 01:28:57 MRK 817 00096450022 835 180
2022-01-10 01:29:02 2022-01-10 01:36:01 NGC 5398 03110928017 275 144
2022-01-10 01:36:02 2022-01-10 01:57:59 HEN 3-1103 00083966007 1260 57
2022-01-10 01:58:02 2022-01-10 02:23:00 RX J0134.2-4258 00036528060 1355 143
2022-01-10 02:23:02 2022-01-10 02:44:58 OGP_3952 03103167003 1185 131

The 5th observation up there is Mrk 817, we can access that entry individually like this:

Begin Time End Time Target Name Observation Number Exposure (s) Slewtime (s)
2022-01-10 01:12:02 2022-01-10 01:28:57 MRK 817 00096450022 835 180

So to download the data for that observation, you can simply do the following. We're going to request XRT and UVOT data for this:

oq[4].download(xrt=True,uvot=True, outdir="~/Downloads")
Downloading files:   0%|          | 0/60 [00:00<?, ?files/s]
Path Filename Description
00096450022/auxil SWIFT_TLE_ARCHIVE.txt.22020.02942007.gz Auxillary TLE file
'' sw00096450022pat.fits.gz Auxillary attitude file
'' sw00096450022pjb.par.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00096450022pob.cat.gz Auxillary catalog
'' sw00096450022ppr.par.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00096450022s.mkf.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00096450022sao.fits.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00096450022sat.fits.gz Auxillary attitude file
'' sw00096450022sen.hk.gz Auxillary housekeeping
'' sw00096450022sti.fits.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00096450022uat.fits.gz Auxillary attitude file
'' sw00096450022x.mkf.gz Auxillary file
00096450022/xrt/event sw00096450022xpcw3po_cl.evt.gz XRT pointed cleaned PC event file
'' sw00096450022xpcw3po_uf.evt.gz XRT pointed unfiltered PC event file
'' sw00096450022xwtw2sl_cl.evt.gz XRT slew cleaned WT event file
'' sw00096450022xwtw2sl_uf.evt.gz XRT slew unfiltered WT event file
'' sw00096450022xwtw2sl_ufre.evt.gz XRT slew unfiltered WT event file
'' sw00096450022xwtw2st_cl.evt.gz XRT settling cleaned WT event file
'' sw00096450022xwtw2st_uf.evt.gz XRT settling unfiltered WT event file
'' sw00096450022xwtw2st_ufre.evt.gz XRT settling unfiltered WT event file
00096450022/xrt/hk sw00096450022xbf_rw.img.gz XRT raw housekeeping data
'' sw00096450022xen.hk.gz XRT housekeeping file
'' sw00096450022xhd.hk.gz XRT housekeeping file
'' sw00096450022xtr.hk.gz XRT housekeeping file
00096450022/xrt/products sw00096450022x_skim.gif XRT sky GIF preview
'' sw00096450022xpc_ex.img.gz XRT exposure map PC data
'' sw00096450022xpc_sk.img.gz XRT sky PC data
00096450022/uvot/hk sw00096450022uac.hk.gz UVOT housekeeping file
'' sw00096450022uaf.hk.gz UVOT housekeeping file
'' sw00096450022uct.hk.gz UVOT housekeeping file
'' sw00096450022uen.hk.gz UVOT housekeeping file
'' sw00096450022uer.hk.gz UVOT housekeeping file
'' sw00096450022ues.hk.gz UVOT housekeeping file
00096450022/uvot/image sw00096450022ubb_ex.img.gz UVOT exposure map b data
'' sw00096450022ubb_rw.img.gz UVOT raw b data
'' sw00096450022ubb_sk.img.gz UVOT sky b data
'' sw00096450022um2_ex.img.gz UVOT exposure map uvm2 data
'' sw00096450022um2_rw.img.gz UVOT raw uvm2 data
'' sw00096450022um2_sk.img.gz UVOT sky uvm2 data
'' sw00096450022uuu_ex.img.gz UVOT exposure map u data
'' sw00096450022uuu_rw.img.gz UVOT raw u data
'' sw00096450022uuu_sk.img.gz UVOT sky u data
'' sw00096450022uvv_ex.img.gz UVOT exposure map v data
'' sw00096450022uvv_rw.img.gz UVOT raw v data
'' sw00096450022uvv_sk.img.gz UVOT sky v data
'' sw00096450022uw1_ex.img.gz UVOT exposure map uvw1 data
'' sw00096450022uw1_rw.img.gz UVOT raw uvw1 data
'' sw00096450022uw1_sk.img.gz UVOT sky uvw1 data
'' sw00096450022uw2_ex.img.gz UVOT exposure map uvw2 data
'' sw00096450022uw2_rw.img.gz UVOT raw uvw2 data
'' sw00096450022uw2_sk.img.gz UVOT sky uvw2 data
00096450022/uvot/products sw00096450022u.cat.gz UVOT catalog
'' sw00096450022u_ex.img.gz UVOT exposure map data
'' sw00096450022u_sk.img.gz UVOT sky data
'' sw00096450022ubbskim.gif UVOT sky b GIF preview
'' sw00096450022um2skim.gif UVOT sky uvm2 GIF preview
'' sw00096450022uuuskim.gif UVOT sky u GIF preview
'' sw00096450022uvvskim.gif UVOT sky v GIF preview
'' sw00096450022uw1skim.gif UVOT sky uvw1 GIF preview
'' sw00096450022uw2skim.gif UVOT sky uvw2 GIF preview

That makes downloading data for archival observations quick and easy!

Updating data, fetching additional instruments

OK, so what if you want to update directory, say the data has been updated. Well we would recommend that you delete the old data, and redownload, and to encourage this, if you try to download again, you'll get an error:

newdata = oq[2].download(xrt=True, outdir="~/Downloads")
Downloading files:   0%|          | 0/27 [00:00<?, ?files/s]

WARNING: SWIFT_TLE_ARCHIVE.txt.22020.02942007.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009pat.fits.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009pjb.par.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009pob.cat.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009ppr.par.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009s.mkf.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009sao.fits.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009sat.fits.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009sen.hk.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009sti.fits.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009uat.fits.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009x.mkf.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009xpcw3po_cl.evt.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009xpcw3po_uf.evt.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009xwtw2sl_cl.evt.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009xwtw2sl_uf.evt.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009xwtw2sl_ufre.evt.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009xwtw2st_cl.evt.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009xwtw2st_uf.evt.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009xwtw2st_ufre.evt.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009xbf_rw.img.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009xen.hk.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009xhd.hk.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009xtr.hk.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009x_skim.gif exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009xpc_ex.img.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).
WARNING: sw01091527009xpc_sk.img.gz exists and not overwritten (set clobber=True to override this).

However, we can overwrite the existing data, by (as the error message suggests), setting clobber = True.

newdata.clobber = True
Downloading files:   0%|          | 0/27 [00:00<?, ?files/s]


Use of clobber can be useful also if you decide to you really wanted that UVOT data to go along with your XRT data on that observation. Remember auxil is fetched by default, so as we already have it, we'll turn it off. This isn't necessary, but if you don't turn it off the data will be redownloaded and overwrite the old data, which wastes bandwidth.

newdata = obsid=oq[2].download(uvot=True, auxil=False, outdir="~/Downloads", clobber=True)
Downloading files:   0%|          | 0/17 [00:00<?, ?files/s]

So the looking in the directory listing will show the UVOT data files that you just downloaded to add to your XRT and Auxillary data.

Selecting individual files using filename matching

If you want to specify exactly what sort of data you want to download, then you can use pattern matching to filter on only the files you want. Here's how that works. Firstly, let's use a GUANO dump as an example, for these we are primarily interested in the BAT event data file.

from swift_too import GUANO

g = GUANO(begin='2021-01-01',limit=1)
Trigger Type Trigger Time Offset (s) Window Duration (s) Observation ID
GBM GRB 2021-01-01 14:53:06 50 200 00048753206

Let's take a look at the data associated with this GUANO trigger. I'll use the download() method, but set fetch = False so that no actual data is downloaded, this will return the directory listing.

Path Filename Description
00048753206/auxil SWIFT_TLE_ARCHIVE.txt.21007.72373844.gz Auxillary TLE file
'' sw00048753206pat.fits.gz Auxillary attitude file
'' sw00048753206pjb.par.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00048753206pob.cat.gz Auxillary catalog
'' sw00048753206ppr.par.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00048753206s.mkf.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00048753206sao.fits.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00048753206sat.fits.gz Auxillary attitude file
'' sw00048753206sen.hk.gz Auxillary housekeeping
'' sw00048753206sti.fits.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00048753206x.mkf.gz Auxillary file
00048753206/bat/event sw00048753206bevshpo_uf.evt.gz BAT pointed unfiltered event event file
00048753206/bat/hk sw00048753206bdecb.hk.gz BAT housekeeping file
'' sw00048753206bdp.hk.gz BAT housekeeping file
'' sw00048753206bdqcb.hk.gz BAT housekeeping file
'' sw00048753206ben.hk.gz BAT housekeeping file
'' sw00048753206bevtlsp.hk.gz BAT housekeeping file
'' sw00048753206bevtssp.hk.gz BAT housekeeping file
'' sw00048753206bgocb.hk.gz BAT housekeeping file
'' sw00048753206bhd.hk.gz BAT housekeeping file
00048753206/bat/masktag sw00048753206bmt00010051.lc.gz BAT mask tagged lightcurve
'' sw00048753206bmt00010051_rw.lc.gz BAT raw mask tagged lightcurve
'' sw00048753206bmt00010067.lc.gz BAT mask tagged lightcurve
'' sw00048753206bmt00010067_rw.lc.gz BAT raw mask tagged lightcurve
'' sw00048753206bmt00010069.lc.gz BAT mask tagged lightcurve
'' sw00048753206bmt00010069_rw.lc.gz BAT raw mask tagged lightcurve
00048753206/bat/rate sw00048753206brt1s.lc.gz BAT rate lightcurve
'' sw00048753206brtmc.lc.gz BAT rate lightcurve
'' sw00048753206brtms.lc.gz BAT rate lightcurve
'' sw00048753206brtqd.lc.gz BAT rate lightcurve
00048753206/bat/survey sw00048753206bsvpbo2a19g08cf.dph.gz BAT survey DPH

So we're interested in just fetching the BAT event file. That file is called sw00048753206bevshpo_uf.evt.gz in the listing above. To fetch this only, we could use the match argument, and do the following:

Path Filename Description
00048753206/bat/event sw00048753206bevshpo_uf.evt.gz BAT pointed unfiltered event event file

Here we used standard unix/dos style wildcards to only select files that are BAT event files ('b' for BAT, 'ev' for event). However, we probably want those files in the auxil directory too, so let's make sure we get those also with our match, by adding a second match clause.

Path Filename Description
00048753206/auxil SWIFT_TLE_ARCHIVE.txt.21007.72373844.gz Auxillary TLE file
'' sw00048753206pat.fits.gz Auxillary attitude file
'' sw00048753206pjb.par.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00048753206pob.cat.gz Auxillary catalog
'' sw00048753206ppr.par.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00048753206s.mkf.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00048753206sao.fits.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00048753206sat.fits.gz Auxillary attitude file
'' sw00048753206sen.hk.gz Auxillary housekeeping
'' sw00048753206sti.fits.gz Auxillary file
'' sw00048753206x.mkf.gz Auxillary file
00048753206/bat/event sw00048753206bevshpo_uf.evt.gz BAT pointed unfiltered event event file

That's pretty much all there is to it! Enjoy your data.

Swift Mission Operations Center

The Pennsylvania State University
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☎ +1 (814) 865-6834
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Swift MOC Team Leads

Mission Director: John Nousek
Science Operations: Jamie Kennea
Flight Operations: Mark Hilliard
UVOT: Michael Siegel
XRT: Jamie Kennea